SHOW helps you with diagnostic microscopy
Because microscopy can change your practice
I need
A scientific and early diagnosis
Quantifying microbial morphotypes
Detecting changes in the flora previous to damage
Evaluating the success of treatment before the slow disappearance of inflammation or the closure of periodontal pockets
A quick and cheap method
Personalizing the treatment during the visit
Checking several sites at each visit
Without external intervention
The team is independent and competent
The test can be repeated if needed (doubt, error...)
No additional cost for the patient
Interest for other specialties
Check the infectious state of the mouth
Pre-orthodontics (prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis)​
Pre-implantology (prevention of mucositis and peri-implantitis)
Pre-surgery (cardiology...)
When suspecting diabetes
During pregnancy
Our training
Use and adjust the microscope​
Take and analyze samples
An autonomous and competent clinic
A reproducible and efficient diagnosis
A substantial help for treatment
In a few words​
A day of training (adjustable according to your needs)​
In your clinic, with your material
For one person or the whole clinic
I need a microscope
We help you choose
The brand you need​
The model with the idoneus characteristics for your practice
We help you install
In your clinic
New and used materials, hardware/software updates
We propose reliable, quality solutions
A European brand (​Euromex)
Guaranteed (10 years for microscopes, 2 for cameras)
Specifications for all needs